Sunday 2 April 2017

PPP SB1 - Art From Non Art - submission

This year I wanted to attempt more self driven projects and enter briefs which were separate from my studies, I wanted to use PPP not just to engage with the industry through visits but by partaking in projects and exhibitions. Art From Non Art is a collaborative exhibition project which is asking for submissions of collage which takes imagery and combines it to make art. The brief can be interpreted in your own way and be anything you make of it,  it can also be produced by any means seen fit each piece is subjective. Each successful entry will have there entry screen printed for the exhibition and available to purchase. 

For my submission I wanted to keep some styles I had already been using throughout the year, collaging using brutalist and northern architecture together, but I wanted the work to be different from previous collages I had produced (postcard project) I wanted a roughness and an interesting new angle, using different techniques within the collages to produce more depth, for this one I utilised mono print to produce a simple black and white print. I have recognised mono print as a big interest throughout the year utilising it within a number of briefs such as COP and Responsive. I also made this piece political another interest ive explored further this year as the piece looks at society and how the conservatories challenge our society. For the collage I chose to use three different production methods to realise the final piece, using mono print, hand made collage and then finishing it off digitally, adding the type and the lips (thatchers lips and a quote from thatcher).  The piece takes influence from a number of people I have researched such as Wolfgang Weingart and Dr.ME in terms of layout and colour palette, following collage and swiss punk styles.

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