Wednesday 12 April 2017

PPP - Mark (Marko) Wheatley

Having now sent all postcards off to designers, though I could not get an address for Marko Wheatley, on his website and social media was only his email address, this meant I had to ask him for his studio address to send the postcard, I wrote him an email asking for his address and here is the conversation we had; 

Marko was kind enough to reply and agree to answering questions about his practice, I wrote the questions based on my knowledge of his work and my personal curiosities about his styles and opinions. 

Questions for Marko Wheatley -  

- Who are your influences? Are there illustrators, artists, books or designers you look to for inspiration?

- Your work is full of colour and shape do you plan these aspects out before you begin a piece of work or is it a natural creative process which occurs while you are producing?

- When producing a zine or print to sell, what method of productions do you use? For example to save costs or make it easier to produce more of?

- You utilise a number of skills within your work, collage, screenprint, sculpture, drawing and painting, do you have a preferred method? if so why this method? 

- Your most known work would be your prints, paintings and zines, so how did sculpture become part of your practice? 

- When producing your collages, where do you get the inspiration and the images for these? Again is this a natural process or do you plan them out before beginning?

- How important do you feel it is to keep screenprint and other traditional means of print going in today's world which is very digitally heavy?

- What, in your opinion, are the benefits of traditional print methods over other methods?

- What is the best piece of advice you were given when you were learning your practice and how did it help you?

and finally 

- It says on your website that you have 'a fascination with the creative possibilities of print processes and techniques' - When did this fascination begin? And what are your best tips or methods for creatives experimenting with print? 

I am hoping to hear back from Mark soon to read his responses to these questions, once I have a response I can add him to the small zine publication which I am producing.

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