Friday 10 February 2017

Studio 12 & Buttercrumble Visit


Studio 12 is an open educational studio set up in Leeds Central library, studio 12 aims to support 16 to 30-year-olds from disadvantaged backgrounds. They have a number of resources for use such as a great photography space, a recording studio, green screen and a large mac suite.

With many different resources, the studio offers a range of things for its clients and pupils, they make sure that the people they take on are people who are passionate about the work they want to do and about their own culture and background. The studio is set up to be able to engage with young disadvantaged young adults of Leeds and Bradford, many of the people who go to studio 12 have had tough upbringings and who have been failed by the education system.

Studio 12 aim to offer a unique learning experience using new technology as well as non-digital resources to, encouraging traditional forms of creativity. Studio 12 have worked on numerous projects to challenge young people to be creative and recognise their backgrounds and culture one notable project being 'Writing Britain' a poetry and stories project aimed at disadvantaged children to speak about upbringing and the struggles which some of these students went through. Studio 12 also worked closely with British art show 8 on a zine brief designed to empower girls to learn design skills and get into the industry, the zines were focussed on showing the photography and literature of these girls and many of the entries looked at the struggles of being dual nationalities.

Growing up North was a project which asked why northern students wanted to move south and focussed on students from Leeds and Bradford, who have the ambition to move out of small northern towns to big Southern cities, yet the project challenged these students to embrace their hometowns and look at them in a different way.

Discussing opportunities to work with studio 12 the class have been given an opportunity to partake in a zine fair which will take place in Leeds Central Library, the fair is now taking entries for zines which look at Leeds' heritage and culture this is another project by Studio 12 which gives the opportunity for people across Leeds to access design and literacy.


Buttercrumble is a Leeds based design studio which is made up of sisters Abigail and Chloe, originally from Scarborough, moving to Leeds to study. They started their own design studio based on 3 key values -
Smile - Make work which makes everyone smile and that clients and audience will like.
Foundations - strong foundations throughout everything including work, start off strong and build up.
Collaboration - Collaborate with all sorts of people to get more understanding of different styles of design and to open up to new things.

Notable projects-

Leeds Indie Food Festival - Cafes of Leeds
Old Red Bus Station - Wander exhibition
Independent Leeds Magazine - issues 4, 5 and 6
Kirkstall Art Trail branding 2016
Garforth Zine Workshop & Festival 2017

Buttercrumble emphasised the importance of collaboration saying 'Work with ones outside of your discipline and join creative forces' this is very apt and important to remember for all work undertake, especially in responsive projects which require collaboration, be open and be interested and the work will be really interesting. Approach - personalise, contribute and excite.

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