Wednesday 15 February 2017

Max Huber Book

Having been influenced by a number of books this year a notable mention of an inspirational designer would be Max Huber, his playful swiss work has influenced me hugely this year and this can be seen through a number of pieces I have produced this year. Through context of practice I have played with type form and layout just like Huber does, using large bold san serif letters to create clear bold imagery. His use of colour is admirable and sometimes wild, though through the 60's and 70's while Huber was most active these were the styles which were popular and he was at the forefront of this popular aesthetic, I want to experiment a lot more with colour, in my own practice I tend to use a very limited colour pallette, though this is inspired by other swiss styles and swiss punk artists. Huber merges type, colour and photography immensely well combining them with ease to produce bold clear compositions which get across the message in such a way that it seems over simplified, where as it is just good, straight forward design, helped to pop with bold colours and playful layouts.

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