Friday 10 February 2017

Footprint studio talk

James & Claire of Footprint visited the studio to discuss what they do at footprint and what Footprint stands for, such as ethos and the values that footprint believes in and what their clients believe in too.

Footprint is a workers Co-op meaning that the company is owned and managed by the workers with equal say about the runnings of the company. All profits generated by the work done is shared out to the workers, the set up is run like a democracy with everyone getting a vote on how things should be done, all decisions are made for the good of the company and because it is a good idea. Footprint heavily believe in co-op form of company set up and it has made the company sustainable and has stood the test of time, while also keeping the workers happy. Doing things because it's a good idea.

Footprint began in 1990 as a print house by hippies and punks and has remained with similar minded people today. Footprint use Riso printing for 90% of work they do, it is a style which is like a Digital form of screen printing using environmentally friendly inks. Footprint only ship in the UK to reduce their carbon footprint having to ship internationally. A percentage of their profits goes to charitable organisations and the company recycle everything they use this can include printing equipment some of which they acquired from Japan which is made out of banana leaves.

Footprint can choose to turn away work which they do not agree with or if they think the work will oppress or exclude someone, the DO NOT work with conservatives and any form of Political-party though they have printed politically charged works. Their clients include artists, other Co-ops, publishers and students. They remain in business due to repeat regular customers and keeping a good relationship with clients.

Footprint or involved with a number of print and zine fairs including Leeds Zine Fair where they take printing equipment to the fair and ask other creatives involved to donate a singular page, Footprint gather these together and form a zine to celebrate the fair.

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