Wednesday 16 November 2016

Myself - Refelction for second year

5 things you have learned so far on the programme

- In depth understanding of screen printing
- Range of bookbinding techniques
- Better Communication skills
- How to think outside the box
- To analyze my work critically

5 things that you want to know more about

- I want to know more about other computer softwares, particularly After Effects on Adobe.
- I want to know more about designers and open up my research so that I can Reference them in my work.
- I want to know about business and how to know what to price work and how to not get ripped off.
- I want to know about the different methods of production especially on zines and publications.
- I want to look more into identifying demographics for certain projects.

5 skills that you think are your strengths

- I consider screen Printing as one of my strengths and would like to apply it more in future briefs.
- I have a good grasp of Adobe InDesign and work well with the grids that are available to use.
- I am confident with working in a group to produce a final outcome.
- I am strong with basic book bnding and publication production methods.
- I am confident with printing into fabrics using analog methods.

5 things that you want to improve

- I would like to try more methods of producing work, some new processes (i.e different print methods, both digital and Analog.
- I would like to improve my hands on skills, to create more hand rendered products and mock ups.
- I would like to improve my critical writing skills and also essay writing skills.
- I should look at more books which relate to my briefs, particularly for context of practice to get a wide range of talking points to go towards my essay.
- I must improve my time management skills, and beable to record my time tables better. Look at making calendars and time plans.

5 practitioners that demonstrate your interest in graphic design 

- Jamie reid - English Artist and anarchist ( Well known for his work with band The Sex Pistols)
- So Young Magazine
- Romek Marber
- Kalle Lasn
- Shonagh Rae

5 websites/online resources that demonstrate your ares of interest within the creative industry 

- Instagram Account - Youth Club Social
- Instagram account -

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