Tuesday 4 October 2016

PPP Paris - Erasmus Failure

During studies in first year an opportunity arose to study abroad for the first semester of second year, through a programme called ERASMUS which the university and many other universities around the world run which offers students the chance to study for a short period of time in a foreign country, I chose to apply to Paris, France to study at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des arts decoratifs, choosing this university for their excellent methods of teaching and facilities.

This university is taught solely in French which meant I had to learn and continue to learn whilst I was there, unfortunately this is something I struggled with more than I expected, especially when it came to attending the university for the first times, much of the staff could not speak English and my french was still weak, only managing some sentences and this communication barrier meant I struggled to navigate around the university and not engage with the tutors and other students I met. As well this language barrier meant that looking for further accommodation whilst I was there was immensely difficult, many of the letting agents did not rent out to non-french speaking tenants, this hindered me finding places to live which were within my budget. These complications meant that I had to return home after just 1 month of being there, despite best efforts to find accommodation and make it work, it just did not happen, though my time over there was not wasted as I was able to visit many inspirational places and see many great things whilst I was there. Now returning to studies I can use what I have taken from my short time there and put it to use in my work.

I was able to walk around the city and enjoy the sights of new surroundings, Paris is known for its art and culture and this can be seen through every neighbourhood through shops, street art and the people, it is a busy city, especially in comparison to Leeds, the people take pride in the diversity and culture more so than in England. The street art, for example, there is a pride and effort gone into it, this is just one of a lot of street graffiti I saw and all of it felt considered, it was not mindless spraying but really interesting pieces, usually with a message or purpose.

I was able to see all the main tourist sites whilst in Paris though these were the most crowded places, and which meant I could not go in or get up to close to them. Though visiting the Notre Dame was very influential I was able to walk around its outside and take in the architecture and sounds from around the cathedral, it is a stunning building with so much detail and artistic value, it is clear to see why it is an iconic building.

Throughout the city, there are many churches, exhibitions and places of art and creativity, one of the best places which I visited was the Stravinsky Fountain, near the centre Pompidou, it is a beautiful fountain square with one or two cafes on and the church of Saint-Merri, the fountain is full of sculptures, 16 all brightly coloured and different shapes and sizes, each represent the work of composer Igor Stravinksy. The surrounding areas are full of street art and also performers, it is a brilliant place where people sit and take in the art.

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