Thursday 13 October 2016

Weaknesses in my practice

The weaknesses I found I had in my practice during first year hindered my progress in some ways, through identifying them I can approach and find simple solutions to them. In the first year of PPP I was looking for the type of practice I enjoy and most relate to and was building on that as well as engaging in different aspects of the creative world such as magazine launches, exhibition and gallery visits, attending lectures and reading up on my subject as well as other aspects of the creative world.

I found that in the first year of doing this I struggled most with being able to find different creative events which I would have enjoyed going to, I feel I didn't attend enough live events or lectures as I was unaware of them until after they had happened, I need to do better to keep up to date with websites such as Creative Review, Its Nice That and other such design based websites which advertise events and creative experiences, by doing this I will broaden my view and open myself up to different positive opportunities.
Within PPP it is expected that everyone presents a 10 minute long power point speaking about there practice, interests and experiences within there subject, though I have no issue presenting and speaking to a large group of people, I find it extremely daunting to speak about myself and the style of practice and as well telling people my interests and also future aspects, I need to work on this so that I can present a more free flowing presentation which is engaging and interesting, in the first year I felt that I was held back through embarrassment of having to just talk about me, I need to open up more and be able to articulate my interests, aims and goals.
Personal branding was something I struggled on also, having to create something which is meant to represent you is a tricky complex, I struggled to identify with any form of branding, especially early on in my studies, I intend to try and understand my practice better and be able to brand my self with something I relate to and which relates to my practice and personal interests and styles.

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