Monday 31 October 2016


Fredric Jameson is an American Literary critic and Marxist political theorist,

"In this situation parody finds itself without vocation; it has lived and that strange new thing pastiche slowly comes to take its place. Pastiche is, like parody, the imitation of a peculiar or unique, idiosyncratic style, the wearing of a linguistic mask, speech in a dead language. But it is a neutral practice of such mimicry, without any of the parodies ulterior motives, amputated of satiric motives, devoid of laughter and any conviction that alongside the normal tongue you have momentarily borrowed, some healthy linguistic normality that still exists. Pastiche is thus blank parody a statue with blind eyeballs: it is to parody what other interesting and historically original modern thing, the practice of a kind of blank irony." - Frederic Jameson Parody and Pastiche
Jameson feels that post modernist architecture is out of context and pointless.
Nostalgia films - extends parts of periods of times, blows up something to make a point within a film, over exaggerating things to bloat the facts for information, jameson has an issue with this as the false ideologies become integrated into peoples minds making them believe that this over exaggerated thing is the truth.

Linda Hutcheon is a Canadian academic who works in literary theory and criticism, opera, and Canadian studies. Her paper, The Politics of Postmodernism: Parody and History, looks at distinguishing the difference between modernism and post modernism. Hutcheon believes post modernism has basis as it is a parody of modernism. It is a defensive piece against people who slam Post modernism in essays.

"On the surface, postmodernism's main interest might seem to be in the processes of its own production and reception, as well as in its own parodic relation to the art of the past. But I want to argue that it is precisely parody -that seemingly introverted formalism -that paradoxically brings about a direct confrontation with the problem of the relation of the aesthetic to a world of significance external to itself, to a discursive in other words, to ideology and history."

Jameson thinks that parody before has become pastiche, while Hutcheon it is all parody as it has an effect on things.

Jameson says

- Pastiche
- Parody becomes pastiche
- Non political 
-The Past as code
- Modernism is most important
-Post modernism is capitalist


-Parody is pastiche
-Politically charged / critical
-re-reading of the past
- Incorporated
-post modernism is most important
-Modernism is capitalist 

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