Saturday 27 February 2016

Lord Whitney - Studio Visit

Amy Lord Rebecca Whitney Conosiers of make believe Span genres Art directors Designers Prop builders Rankin Meeting people in London Network Go to London meet people Agencies clients Be nice to everyone Don't know who knows who Music video Polka dots Self initiated work Jack Hudson illustrator Producers Set builders 6 people Workshop in studio Tree house studio Christmas card designs Leeds Met Mighty boosh inspired Do what you want to do Enjoy it Experiment Bunker Music Manchester Young illustration award 2010 Octopus Perseverance Try everything Travelling art circus Working with comedians Takes time and persistence to create work Collaboration Photography Constantly feeding imagination Get ideas down Case studies - Lore of the north Art council funded (support creatives give grants ) Legends and folk lore Yorkshire Don't just look on Pinterest Built set on site in Leeds studio "Choose your own inventions" Precision book makers Book launch The wood beneath the world Leeds town hall Christmas grotto Team of 30 Creating a world Promotion Cross keys Logham alphabet Holly King oak King Tickets Mock n roll Collaboration Jack Hudson No funding 80s inspired album covers Created album through artwork got bands on board Exhibition in Leeds Clients Liverpool Tate Vogue Barclays London alley Missoni

I visited a talk being held by Leeds based graphic design studio Lord Whitney, the talk was run by the two co-founders of the studio, Rebecca Whitney and Amy Lord, thus the title Lord Whitney. The motto for the work they produce is 'consieurs of make believe' they did not want to be known for just one thing so continue to span the genres of creativity delving into areas such as, art directing, design and prop builders. One of there biggest achievements to date is there work with Rankin, the famous photographer. When asked how they got the opportunity to work with Rankin they said it cam about through meeting people in London, talking to new people and getting lucky, one point they wanted to make clear was to be nice to everyone you meet, be polite and interested in them and they will in turn be interested in you.

The pair spoke about how they started off at university being confused about what creative direction to follow and not really enjoying what they were doing in education as individuals. They were brought together through there love of tv series The Mighty Boosh, which inspired them to start creating, experimenting and enjoying being creative. After leaving university the pair got mundane jobs while remaining creative in there spare time, creating sets in there basements and photographing the results and adding it to there portfolio. They remained in touch with there university friends who would help them with there self made projects, all of whom now made it in the creative industry, being designers, illustrators and more.

They spoke about there experience of making it winning young illustration award in 2010 and travelling to Germany to exhibit there winning piece. Talking about collaboration and how important it is, and how to always get ideas down and to feed the imagination.

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