Tuesday 17 April 2018

OUGD603 - PPP - Reading This year

This year I have undertaken a varied mix of reading, for various reasons such as interest, research and enjoyment. Through contextual practice research, I was reading a lot of Dada-related books and material, looking at creative freedom, this lead me to look at the post-modern design book No More Rules by Rick Poyner - this book gave me insight into design styles, theories and history, it has influenced my work aswell as my reading, leading me to look into The Face magazine and purchasing 'The story of The Face' book which has influenced my design. Through my Extended practice I have been looking at Avante Garde art and in particular Olga Rozanova, through this having to read huge texts on avant-garde theory to research a publication.

My Practice has been influenced this year by a number of books, Emil Ruders Typography book has influenced the way I design and Experiment with type, The Politics of Design Book has inspired me to consider the cultural meaning behind various design styles and communicative skills. The book Why Beauty is the key to Everything, by Alan Moore has helped me to keep a focus on my practice and has aided the way I consider my work, helping me appreciate the process of design more. 

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