Thursday 12 November 2015

Presenting your future PPP self - Study task 2

10 years time-

Whats your title?
Designer - typographer.

Where do you work?
Indipendent, yet doing work for musicians, album design covers, posters etc.
Small design firm with few designers.

What sort of set up are you in?
Small studio, few practitioners or my own personal studio.

Where do you live?
Berlin, Small apartment

whats your best personal achievement?
Perform live with musicians.
Form a Family.

Whats your best professional achievement?
Designing favourite artists posters or albums.

Form a PDF presentation for the questions asked 10 images or more to show the class.

Study task two for PPP-

Identify and explain 5 reasons why you chose to study on this course

- I had studied graphic design at ED level and got a good grasp and outline of the discipline, learning skills and getting a new perspective on many things, yet I felt I had much more to learn and having visited this building and speaking to the tutors and students, I felt that this course would help me to excel. I had looked at different courses and universities, and having also visited them I felt the resources and work spaces were better suited for what I wanted to do. Having been an internal student the help I got at the college building really helped my decision in the way they sold the course to me, and also having the option to go use the facilities down there and also another source of help to get feedback on my work with tutors I knew. The work I saw being produced, not only on this course but others, really inspired me, I liked the thought of being surrounded by different creatives, which I could then draw inspiration from.

Identify and explain 5 things that you want to learn during your time on the course

- I would like to further some knowledge I have already obtained on certain aspects of design such as a wider knowledge of screen printing, so that I can use it to a true professional standard. I would like to use more digital print, having used only hand made routes of design I would like to work more with this style. I want to learn more on type and become confident in using type and kerning, layout and such so that I can meet my dream of using type in art work but have it legible and work well. I would like to use more resources such as zines, blogs, and online articles which will influence my design work, I have only used these in small doses I would like to learn to use these more often. I would like to learn more on writing about work, I often feel when I write about my work or others work that I am doing it incorrectly, I want to become more confident in my writing.

Identify and explain 5 things that you think are your strengths

- I feel one of my strengths is my drawing ability I can form hand drawn illustrations, having got on to illustration courses and turned them down, I feel, given the chance, I can use these skills in my work. I feel my use of colour in my work is a strength, I am always happy with the look of my work when I choose colour combinations carefully, this is a strength I am yet to have chance to apply to studio work. I am very confident with the whole screen print process from creating art work that would be at its best in screen print form to actually going through the process, this will help me create interesting pieces while also allowing me to do something I enjoy. I am confident with type, being able to choose a type according to its context and also editing type so that it can be used in a specific context. 

Identify and explain 5 things you would like to improve

- I would like to improve on my presenting skills, I feel I am not very good at presenting, rushing and mumbling words, I would like to become more confident in this aspect. I want to improve on my organisation, I always seem to have a messy piece of work or a cluttered computer which is really not nice and unnecessary. I feel I always get distracted when I aren't enjoying a brief, I neglect it and then find myself rushing, I struggle to get in a good rhythm when I don't understand or fully enjoy a project. I want to get better at setting up layouts and grids on my work, I like my work looking as neat as can be yet I struggle with aspects of grid work and need to improve. I need to write up my work on my blog as soon as I do it, I sometimes forget or neglect it if I don't enjoy it which is a terrible habit.

Identify and explain 5 things that inspire you

- I am heavily inspired by music, I listen to a wide range of music genres and when I can incorporate it into a brief I do it, its such a broad thing which can be interpreted differently by everyone. I try to look at one or two blogs each morning on my way into uni to see the different things that are going on or new work produced for publications, usually I would take images that I like the type of or colours, these things influence the way I work. I read a lot and more recently been reading a lot on typography, books such as Eric Gils essay on type and ' don't steal sheep and learn type' the perspective these books have while at points being humorous are very interesting and enjoyable to read. Movies and TV shows inspire me a lot, especially movies which have a good aesthetic such as Wes Anderson films, the colours, animations, music, story and actors in these fils are genius they have such a good feel to them and really broaden my mind. I go on walks regular to different places, I love looking at architecture and new spaces, trying new things it inspires me to continue in what I do to discover new things. 

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