Monday 8 May 2017

PPP - Postcard Project - Creative report (Evaluation)

The project started as sending postcards to designers as a different way to ask them to partake in an interview, it developed into a project where I designed the postcards myself and sent them off, I had 3 responses in totally so far and have conducted two of the interviews, one with Nick Loaring of the print project, the other with Mark Wheatley AKA Marko, the project evolved into producing a zine which held the interviews as well as images of work and my own images I was able to take upon visiting the print project. I realised the project had potential and so made that the zines much like the postcards had a clear theme, inspirations are taken from a range of things which have been mentioned within my PPP blog, including Max Huber, punk, swiss and print methods. The project is still in its early phases though potential for mass printing and sale can be seen. I experimented with a number of formats and stocks which the end product can be printed on, so far the product feels like it is in its final stages, with only the content needing editing. The colour and type are influenced by the postcards which are influenced by a number of things.

I produced small accompanying posters which can be sent to the designers which the interviews are about. The interviews are interesting and the work spoken about is brilliant, these small zines can easily be produced in huge numbers and distributed, I shall be continuing this project past the hand in to fully explore where it can go and hopefully get a number of responses from other designers. I have identified that the publication is the best format for the interview as these are both printers, they believe in physical work, I should explore print further to see how I can incorporate it into the project.

The interview I did with Nick Loaring is also featured in my collective 'Lifes A Pitch' project where a group of second year designers and I had the concept of collating all our interviews throughout the year into one publication and printing it for sale, the publication would cover many aspects of design and feature a wide range of contemporary designers and printers. Again this is only the start of a project which has a lot of potential to it. With collaborating in this way we have brought our own expertise and interests together to produce a well rounded book of design interviews.

Working on this project has been challenging in many ways, the biggest challenge being that the designers don't always reply, luckily I asked a number of designers and printers to avoid getting no replies, I had 6 which I asked and got a couple of replies which was really good. The project has helped me not only contact and interact with designers but also helped me to think outside the box and be more creative with how I do approach creatives. Choosing to do a project which has rounded into something different and incredibly interesting has broaden my design style on also how I work. This project can be taken into summer as an independent project and possibly further than that, I have to be fully into the project and believe in it, hopefully inspiring people with the interviews being undertaken.

Friday 5 May 2017

PPP - Craig Oldham Response - Studio Brief 2 - Creative Report

I have received a response from Craig Oldham in regards to my postcard, though I sent it to his office studio in Manchester, he has responded from Falmouth University where he is lecturing at the moment. He has agreed to speak to me further about my project and answer some questions. 
