Friday 30 October 2015

29/10/2015 Time Planning

Reason one - Clears the mind for creative thought process.

Reason two - Functioning professional practice

No planning = No professional practice

-Missed deadlines, angry clients, substandard work

Reason three - stress / Burnout

Tool One - Love lists
- to do's
- want to do's
- dreams
- goals

Tool two - Know yourself

Tool three - Plan ahead

The time is now. Don't miss out.

Task - Create time plan for regular week including college, job, personal study time, free  and a list of goals and hobbies.

website - Manage your time like a pro.
Ten best apps for organising type.


Monday 19 October 2015

OUGD402 - Be a Sponge - 15/10/2015

We were asked to consider a range of blogs, websites, books, current affairs and what ever else which has been an inspiration to us. In groups we were to each write down a couple of these inspirations and then present our combined list to the other groups, once we had heard all of these we were then asked to pick a mixture of ten different sources which had been said by the other groups, specifically ones we had not been aware of or ones which sounded most interesting. With this newly formed list of ten inspirations we had to research each one to get a feel for them and take inspiration ourselves.

New Grids - 
A design blog Created in 2011, by Thomas Bouillot, is a blog which is formed of a range of creative work, original new thinking and digital experiences. One of the blogs latest posts focusses on type, which is very interesting and also relevant to what i'm currently working on through my studio practice, this post is mainly imagery looking at different styles and picking out similarities while also looking at layout and colour which will help influence my current project. The creator of new grids Thomas Bouillot also has his own personal blog which looks at his personal works as a planner for designers, 'A planner blending culture, psychology, business and technology to define meaningful problems. I develop strategy and support creatives all along the process' is what he writes on his homepage. His blog looks at the work he has produced or has helped to produce, explaining the project and his role in it. The work he posts, which ranges from exhibition set up to logo branding is very interesting and will be a good reference point for me to use.

Sight Unseen - 
An online magazine which looks at many different forms of design and visual art yet focusses on product design, installation and fashion. Founded in 2009 by editors Monica Khemsurov and Jill Singer, both very established writers and design consultants. The site focusses on giving new talent a space to showcase work and push up and coming designers into view of big companies and clients. For me the current topics of the magazine do not really stand out to me to influence my work, yet I shall come back for future reference and also browse through previous posts.

Design Milk -
A design blog which focusses on Architecture, interior design, modern furniture, art, style and technology. The blog was created by Jaime Derringer, an expert on design trends, lecturer, blogger and also consults designers. Design Milk look at a number of different current designers, especially giving young designers spot light to give them links to big design firms and big jobs.

Instagram -
Instagram is a form of social media blog which is formed of images. Many designers and design studios use Instagram as a way of showcasing there work, it is free and easy to use. Some of the blogs I find interesting are manly illustrators blogs such as Paul Hornschemiers account Forlorn Funnies, who posts his current projects as well as personal drawings which he does on a daily basis, I have been a fan of his work having used it in my projects at college. Another account I like to look at is The Family Rains, a rock band from bath who design there own music posters with a very retro and swiss style design, using simple colour and shape, their work influences me a lot as I am a huge fan of there style and there music.

Behance -
Behance is another form of social media blog which is formed of images. Behance runs through Adobe, so is a blog which attracts a lot of attention from creatives and graphic design. One post I recently liked was a look at Esquire Magazines 1000 magazine cover, the colours used complimented the type and imagery used. Its classic design style gave the feel of heritage and class, even though it is just in its 24th year. Behance is a great reference point and will help to influence me.

Twitter -
Twitter is a social media site which is used as a personal posting site. Designers now use twitter quite a lot using it to advertise their work and broadcast there current projects and shows. It is a clever form of free publicity with a huge audience to tweet to. One particular account is One Minute briefs where, there are quick brief competitions set for followers who then send in there outcomes, with interesting responses and a good way to get started in quick fire projects.

This is Colossal -
Colossal is a blog which focusses on art, design and visual culture. The blog is easily set out in sections, so you can find your personal preference easily without having to sift through different things. Currently much of the design work on the blog is product design and 3D work, though ive never been much interested in this side of work, I have been able to get more into it through the work i've seen. It is a very good informal blog, with mostly imagery over type which means it is easily understood.

Trendland -
An online design magazine which looks at a range of different things such as art, travel, culture, photography, trends and music. It is a very formal blog which has a very nice aesthetic, and structure. Currently the main article is a range of covers designed for magazine the Parisianer, a group of designers were asked to design the cover which they felt represented Paris to them. This project is really interesting to see the range of interpretations of paris, all the different styles of art work and colours, a really influential project.

Designinspiration -
An online social media blog focussed on design work, it tries to create a level of great design work to inspire people around the world. It has many great images and pieces of work, it looks at a range of different design aspects such as type, symbol and layout in different context such as branding, magazine covers and also installation pieces. It also looks at a huge range of styles and techniques such as hand rendered and digital. This is a great source of reference which I will be able to use for influence.

Grafik -
A blog which is focussed on Graphic design, the home page is very basic and typographical until a title is scrolled over which then reveals imagery of the topic the article is about. One post which I really like is by designer Alex Broadhurst, where he talks about inspiration he had as a young child, which was the Wolverhampton Wolves logo, he would draw the logo all over his school text books, this post lead me to look deeper at Broadhurst and his own personal work, which is type based and very simplistic. I can take a lot of influence from this and shall be using it as a reference point

Sunday 11 October 2015

OUGD402 - Study Task one - Getting to Know People. 08.10.2015

Our task, in groups, was to research into one of 12 Graphic Design studios from around the world. Our group was given Sagmeister and Walsh. Sagmeister and Walsh is a small design firm whos work consists of films, commercials, books and also creating identities for a huge range of clients. 
The firm consists of four creatives, Stefan Sagmeister, one of the cofounders, is an Austrian born Graphic designer and typographer who has worked with an impressive range of clients from musicians The Rolling Stones and Lou Reed to the famous Guggenheim Museum and has had his work exhibited across the world in America, Europe and China, to name some.
Jessica Walsh, the other cofounder of the firm, is an American born Graphic designer, Illustrator and Art director, her work has one multiple awards for her work from the Type Directors Club and SPD.Zipeng Zhu is a chinesse born designer, Illustrator, Animator and art director.Molly Brunk is an art director and projector manager at the firm, she makes sue everything runs smoothly.

They are based in the Flatiron District on 900 broadway. This was a hot bed for creative proceeding world war one due to shops and shoppers moving up town making way for cheap loft spaces, galleries and photography studios and earning the name the photo district.It was gentrified in 1985 with new restourants and nightclubs opening who renamed the area the Flatiron district which is what it is still known as today.

What Do They Do: 

• Advertising• Art Direction• Branding & Identity• Consultancy• Concept Development 
• Content Development 
• Commercials• Curation• Design System• Environmental Design
-Website Design
• Event Design• Exhibition Design • Film/Video• Furniture Design • Identity• Interactive• Naming• Print• Packaging• Signage• Writing 

As a design studio their main roles as creative directors are to manage and delegate design roles within a creative project. They tend to be the leading roles within projects collaborating with photographers, directors, designers etc.
They also take part in self initiated projects where they take a more hands on approach to the design aspects of the project. They optimise the use of social media using platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, twitter and behance. 

I think what makes Sagmeister and Walsh unique is there use of bright play full colours in their work which almost reminds me of 60s pop art. This is probably influenced by Stefan Sagmeister who has worked for 60s – 70s style bands such as rolling stones, the talking heads and Lou Reed ect. I think the best example of this is their Aizone Campaign FW15 as you can see this quirky playful style is reminiscent of a pop art style. 

Other Studios-

AHxHA Studio-

Studio based in Lisbon, Portugal founded by Carolina Cantante and Catarina Carreiras, friends since university, in 2011. They don't focus on flat or 2D design, mainly working on 3D and installation pieces. They say they are a very personal company and will give 100% to the client. Whilst taking on some commercial work they do many Independent projects with there work and style being very geometric, minimal and abstract. 

Hey Studio - 

Small studio started by Veronica Fuerte in 2007, based in Barcelona. Specialises in brand identity, illustration and editing. Hey studio has a very minimalist style and use a unique colour pallet. The work they produce is very typographical and inventive. Clients include Coca Cola and Oxfam.

Hey Days - 

Norwegian based Design firm consisting of six designers who specialise in Visual Identities and also Logo design. They 'Like to challenge the established truth' very creative and experimental in their work, which is usually very minimalist in form. Hey Days use a range of social medias to advertise and showcase there own work.

Lust - 

Design studio formed in 1996 in The Hague, Netherlands. Lust work a lot with basic key graphic design processes such as print screen and book binding, yet also keep there work experimental and abstract. Working with a range of materials and digital software, they also try to combine the two with very post modernist/ David Carson-esque results.

Studio Dumbar - 

Started by designer Gert Dumbar in 1977 in the Netherlands, they are an internationally known firm in Graphic Design. Studio Dumbar Focusses on online branding and believe there work should be 'Passion over profit' and to provide use for there designs rather than designing just for financial gain. Dumbar has an international market and has studios in South Korea and china. The company take on many internships each year and are always looking for new talent and inventive new design techniques. There style is very abstract and geometric, with Gert Dumbar himself saying "Our style is that we don't have a style". 

Build Design studio -

Build was started in 2001 by Michael and Nicky Place, in London yet in 2015 moved to Yorkshire. Build focus on Branding identity, usually for large scale companies, having done work for Nike and Microsoft. They work with advertising and keep there designs very typographically based and follow a simple colour pallet of usually 2 or 3 colours. The company now consists of just 4 designers.

Elmwood - 

Formed January 1st 1997, Elmwood are brand design consultants who have created there own design tools to form there work, and who believe in sustainability through there design. Elmwood is a developing enterprise spreading from commercial work to having there own tea and beer brands which started as a personal piece of work. Elmwood has studios around the world in places such as London, New York, Singapore and Leeds.

Bleed - 

A multi-disciplinary Design studio based in Vienna, an award winning studio with the ED award under there names. They are formed of designers from different cultures, so there portfolio of work varies. Working on some interesting designs such as the Monier, an office building in Oslow where they created branding for using the shape and size of the windows on the building, Bleed believe everything should be relevant and inventive.

Face -

A super-modernist design firm formed in Mexico in 2006 by Rik Bracho and Ricardo Tefeda, the company is built up of ten creatives. They work mainly with local cultural organisations but have worked on commercial projects such as the rebranding of MySpace, a social media site and also done branding for clothes shop Size?. Face believe that simplicity work and that there work should be honest branding that will stand the test of time. When Face want to take on a new client they give themselves a checklist of how to work and also give the potential client a page of questions calling it there homework so they know what they want.

Dessein - 

Studio Started in Perth, Australia in 1987 by Geoff Bickford and Tracey Kenworthy. The studio focusses on Branding signage websites, and follow a flat simplistic type focussed design style while also incorporating in illustrative design too. There staff is formed of designers from many different international backgrounds which they feel gives them a very individual and new style compared to there competitors.

Wolff Olins -

Designers Michael Wolff and Wally Olins started the firm in 1965 and are seen as very influential in there field, with the firm still taking on huge jobs not, one being the branding of the 2012 London Olympics. The studio boasts its own school and have studios in London, San Francisco, New York and Dubai. The firm believe in positive social impact and developing Brand Experiences.